Source code for compoundfiles

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 fileencoding=utf-8:
# A library for reading Microsoft's OLE Compound Document format
# Copyright (c) 2014 Dave Hughes <>
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

Most of the work in this package was derived from the specification for `OLE
Compound Document`_ files published by OpenOffice, and the specification for
the `Advanced Authoring Format`_ (AAF) published by Microsoft.

.. _OLE Compound Document:
.. _Advanced Authoring Format:


.. autoclass:: CompoundFileReader


.. autoclass:: CompoundFileStream


.. autoclass:: CompoundFileEntity


.. autoexception:: CompoundFileError

.. autoexception:: CompoundFileWarning


from __future__ import (
str = type('')

import io
import os
import sys
import struct as st
import logging
import warnings
import datetime as dt
from pprint import pformat
from array import array

__all__ = [

# A quick personal rant: the AAF or OLE Compound Document format is yet another
# example of bad implementations of a bad specification (thanks Microsoft! See
# the W3C log file format for previous examples of MS' incompetence in this
# area)...
# The specification doesn't try and keep the design simple (the DIFAT could be
# fully in the header or partially in the header, and the header itself doesn't
# necessarily match the sector size), whoever wrote the spec didn't quite
# understand what version numbers are used for (several versions exist, but the
# spec doesn't specify exactly which bits of the header became relevant in
# which versions), and the spec has huge amounts of redundancy (always fun as
# it inevitably leads to implementations getting one bit right and another bit
# wrong, leaving readers to guess which is correct).
# TL;DR: if you're looking for a nice fast binary format with good random
# access characteristics this may look attractive, but please don't use it.
# Ideally, loop-mounting a proper file-system would be the way to go, although
# it generally involves jumping through several hoops due to mount being a
# privileged operation.</rant>
# In the interests of trying to keep naming vaguely consistent and sensible
# here's a translation list with the names we'll be using first and the names
# other documents use after:
#   normal-FAT = FAT = SAT
#   master-FAT = DIFAT = DIF = MSAT
#   mini-FAT = miniFAT = SSAT
# And here's a brief description of the compound document structure:
# Compound documents consist of a header, followed by a number of equally sized
# sectors numbered incrementally. Within the sectors are stored the master-FAT,
# normal-FAT, and (optional) mini-FAT, directory entries, and file streams. A
# FAT is simply an indexed list of sectors, with each sector pointing to the
# next in the chain, the last holding the END_OF_CHAIN value.
# The master-FAT (the location of which is determined by the header) stores
# which sectors are occupied by the normal-FAT. It must be read first in order
# to read sectors that make up the normal-FAT in order.
# The normal-FAT stores the locations of directory entries, file streams, and
# tracks which sectors are allocated to the master-FAT and itself.
# The mini-FAT (if present) is stored as a file stream, virtually divided into
# smaller sectors for the purposes of efficiently storing files smaller than
# the normal sector size.

# Magic identifier at the start of the file
COMPOUND_MAGIC = b'\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1'

FREE_SECTOR       = 0xFFFFFFFF # denotes an unallocated (free) sector
END_OF_CHAIN      = 0xFFFFFFFE # denotes the end of a stream chain
NORMAL_FAT_SECTOR = 0xFFFFFFFD # denotes a sector used for the regular FAT
MASTER_FAT_SECTOR = 0xFFFFFFFC # denotes a sector used for the master FAT
MAX_NORMAL_SECTOR = 0xFFFFFFFA # the maximum sector in a file

MAX_REG_SID    = 0xFFFFFFFA # maximum directory entry ID
NO_STREAM      = 0xFFFFFFFF # unallocated directory entry

DIR_INVALID    = 0 # unknown/empty(?) storage type
DIR_STORAGE    = 1 # element is a storage (dir) object
DIR_STREAM     = 2 # element is a stream (file) object
DIR_LOCKBYTES  = 3 # element is an ILockBytes object
DIR_PROPERTY   = 4 # element is an IPropertyStorage object
DIR_ROOT       = 5 # element is the root storage object


COMPOUND_HEADER = st.Struct(b''.join((
    b'<',    # little-endian format
    b'8s',   # magic string
    b'16s',  # file UUID (unused)
    b'H',    # file header major version
    b'H',    # file header minor version
    b'H',    # byte order mark
    b'H',    # sector size (actual size is 2**sector_size)
    b'H',    # mini sector size (actual size is 2**short_sector_size)
    b'6s',   # unused
    b'L',    # directory chain sector count
    b'L',    # normal-FAT sector count
    b'L',    # ID of first sector of the normal-FAT
    b'L',    # transaction signature (unused)
    b'L',    # minimum size of a normal stream
    b'L',    # ID of first sector of the mini-FAT
    b'L',    # mini-FAT sector count
    b'L',    # ID of first sector of the master-FAT
    b'L',    # master-FAT sector count

DIR_HEADER = st.Struct(b''.join((
    b'<',    # little-endian format
    b'64s',  # NULL-terminated filename in UTF-16 little-endian encoding
    b'H',    # length of filename (why?!)
    b'B',    # dir-entry type
    b'B',    # red (0) or black (1) entry
    b'L',    # ID of left-sibling node
    b'L',    # ID of right-sibling node
    b'L',    # ID of children's root node
    b'16s',  # dir-entry UUID (unused)
    b'L',    # user flags (unused)
    b'Q',    # creation timestamp
    b'Q',    # modification timestamp
    b'L',    # start sector of stream
    b'L',    # low 32-bits of stream size
    b'L',    # high 32-bits of stream size

[docs]class CompoundFileError(IOError): """ Base class for exceptions arising from reading compound documents. """
[docs]class CompoundFileWarning(Warning): """ Base class for warnings arising from reading compound documents. """
[docs]class CompoundFileStream(io.RawIOBase): """ Abstract base class for streams within an OLE Compound Document. Instances of :class:`CompoundFileStream` are not constructed directly, but are returned by the :meth:`` method. They support all common methods associated with read-only streams (:meth:`read`, :meth:`seek`, :meth:`tell`, and so forth). .. note:: The implementation attempts to duplicate the parent object's file descriptor upon construction which theoretically means multiple threads can simultaneously read different files in the compound document. However, if duplication of the file descriptor fails for any reason, the implementation falls back on sharing the parent object's file descriptor. In this case, thread safety is not guaranteed. Check the :attr:`thread_safe` attribute to determine if duplication succeeded. """ def __init__(self): super(CompoundFileStream, self).__init__() self._sectors = array(b'L') self._sector_index = None self._sector_offset = None def _load_sectors(self, start, fat): # To guard against cyclic FAT chains we use the tortoise'n'hare # algorithm here. If hare is ever equal to tortoise after a step, then # the hare somehow got transported behind the tortoise (via a loop) so # we raise an error hare = start tortoise = start while tortoise != END_OF_CHAIN: self._sectors.append(tortoise) tortoise = fat[tortoise] if hare != END_OF_CHAIN: hare = fat[hare] if hare != END_OF_CHAIN: hare = fat[hare] if hare == tortoise: raise CompoundFileError( 'cyclic FAT chain found starting at %d' % start) def _set_pos(self, value): self._sector_index = value // self._sector_size self._sector_offset = value % self._sector_size if self._sector_index < len(self._sectors): self._header_size + (self._sectors[self._sector_index] * self._sector_size) + self._sector_offset)
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the file pointer. """ if self.thread_safe: try: self._file.close() except AttributeError: pass self._file = None
[docs] def readable(self): """ Returns ``True``, indicating that the stream supports :meth:`read`. """ return True
[docs] def writable(self): """ Returns ``False``, indicating that the stream doesn't support :meth:`write` or :meth:`truncate`. """ return False
[docs] def seekable(self): """ Returns ``True``, indicating that the stream supports :meth:`seek`. """ return True
[docs] def tell(self): """ Return the current stream position. """ return (self._sector_index * self._sector_size) + self._sector_offset
[docs] def seek(self, offset, whence=io.SEEK_SET): """ Change the stream position to the given byte *offset*. *offset* is interpreted relative to the position indicated by *whence*. Values for *whence* are: * ``SEEK_SET`` or ``0`` - start of the stream (the default); *offset* should be zero or positive * ``SEEK_CUR`` or ``1`` - current stream position; *offset* may be negative * ``SEEK_END`` or ``2`` - end of the stream; *offset* is usually negative Return the new absolute position. """ if whence == io.SEEK_CUR: offset = self.tell() + offset elif whence == io.SEEK_END: offset = self._length + offset if offset < 0: raise ValueError( 'New position is before the start of the stream') self._set_pos(offset) return offset
[docs] def read1(self, n=-1): """ Read up to *n* bytes from the stream using only a single call to the underlying object. In the case of :class:`CompoundFileStream` this roughly corresponds to returning the content from the current position up to the end of the current sector. """ if not self.thread_safe: # If we're sharing a file-pointer with the parent object we can't # guarantee the file pointer is where we left it, so force a seek self._set_pos(self.tell()) if n == -1: n = max(0, self._length - self.tell()) else: n = max(0, min(n, self._length - self.tell())) n = min(n, self._sector_size - self._sector_offset) if n == 0: return b'' try: result = self._file.read1(n) except AttributeError: result = assert len(result) == n # Only perform a seek to a different sector if we've crossed into one if self._sector_offset + n < self._sector_size: self._sector_offset += n else: self._set_pos(self.tell() + n) return result
[docs] def read(self, n=-1): """ Read up to *n* bytes from the stream and return them. As a convenience, if *n* is unspecified or -1, :meth:`readall` is called. Fewer than *n* bytes may be returned if there are fewer than *n* bytes from the current stream position to the end of the stream. If 0 bytes are returned, and *n* was not 0, this indicates end of the stream. """ if n == -1: n = max(0, self._length - self.tell()) else: n = max(0, min(n, self._length - self.tell())) result = b'' while n > 0: buf = self.read1(n) if not buf: break n -= len(buf) result += buf return result
class CompoundFileNormalStream(CompoundFileStream): def __init__(self, parent, start, length=None): super(CompoundFileNormalStream, self).__init__() self._load_sectors(start, parent._normal_fat) self._sector_size = parent._normal_sector_size self._header_size = parent._header_size try: fd = os.dup(parent._file.fileno()) except (AttributeError, OSError) as e: # Share the parent's _file if we fail to duplicate the descriptor self._file = parent._file self.thread_safe = False else: self._file =, 'rb') self.thread_safe = True min_length = (len(self._sectors) - 1) * self._sector_size max_length = len(self._sectors) * self._sector_size if length is None: self._length = max_length elif not (min_length <= length <= max_length): warnings.warn( 'length (%d) of stream at sector %d exceeds bounds ' '(%d-%d)' % (length, start, min_length, max_length), CompoundFileWarning) self._length = max_length else: self._length = length self._set_pos(0) class CompoundFileMiniStream(CompoundFileStream): def __init__(self, parent, start, length=None): super(CompoundFileMiniStream, self).__init__() self._load_sectors(start, parent._mini_fat) self._sector_size = parent._mini_sector_size self._header_size = 0 self._file = CompoundFileNormalStream( parent, parent.root._start_sector, parent.root.size) self.thread_safe = self._file.thread_safe max_length = len(self._sectors) * self._sector_size if length is not None and length > max_length: warnings.warn( 'length (%d) of stream at sector %d exceeds max' % ( length, start, max_length), CompoundFileWarning) self._length = min(max_length, length or max_length) self._set_pos(0)
[docs]class CompoundFileReader(object): """ Provides an interface for reading `OLE Compound Document`_ files. The :class:`CompoundFileReader` class provides a relatively simple interface for interpreting the content of Microsoft's `OLE Compound Document`_ files. These files can be thought of as a file-system in a file (or a loop-mounted FAT file-system for Unix folk). The class can be constructed with a filename or a file-like object. In the latter case, the object must support the ``read``, ``seek``, and ``tell`` methods. For optimal usage, it should also provide a valid file descriptor in response to a call to ``fileno``, and provide a ``read1`` method, but these are not mandatory. The :attr:`root` attribute represents the root storage entity in the compound document. An :meth:`open` method is provided which (given a :class:`CompoundFileEntity` instance representing a stream), returns a file-like object representing the content of the stream. Finally, the context manager protocol is also supported, permitting usage of the class like so:: with CompoundFileReader('foo.doc') as doc: # Iterate over items in the root directory of the compound document for entry in doc.root: # If any entry is a file, attempt to read the data from it if entry.isfile: with as f: .. attribute:: root The root attribute represents the root storage entity in the compound document. As a :class:`CompoundFileEntity` instance, it (and child storages) can be enumerated, accessed by index, or by name (like a dict) to obtain :class:`CompoundFileEntity` instances representing the content of the compound document. Both :class:`CompoundFileReader` and :class:`CompoundFileEntity` support human-readable representations making it relatively simple to browse and extract information from compound documents simply by using the interactive Python command line. """ def __init__(self, filename_or_obj): super(CompoundFileReader, self).__init__() if isinstance(filename_or_obj, (str, bytes)): self._opened = True self._file =, 'rb') else: self._opened = False self._file = filename_or_obj self._master_fat = None self._normal_fat = None self._mini_fat = None self.root = None ( magic, uuid, self._minor_version, self._dll_version, bom, normal_sector_size, mini_sector_size, unused, self._dir_sector_count, self._normal_sector_count, self._dir_first_sector, txn_signature, self._mini_size_limit, self._mini_first_sector, self._mini_sector_count, self._master_first_sector, self._master_sector_count, ) = COMPOUND_HEADER.unpack( # Check the header for basic correctness if magic != COMPOUND_MAGIC: raise CompoundFileError( '%s does not appear to be an OLE compound ' 'document' % filename_or_obj) if bom != 0xFFFE: raise CompoundFileError( '%s uses an unsupported byte ordering (big ' 'endian)' % filename_or_obj) if normal_sector_size > 20: warnings.warn( 'FAT sector size is excessively large, assuming 512', CompoundFileWarning) normal_sector_size = 9 if mini_sector_size >= normal_sector_size: warnings.warn( 'mini FAT sector size greater than or equal to FAT ' 'sector size, assuming 64', CompoundFileWarning) mini_sector_size = 6 self._normal_sector_size = 1 << normal_sector_size self._mini_sector_size = 1 << mini_sector_size self._normal_sector_format = st.Struct( bytes('<%dL' % (self._normal_sector_size // 4))) self._mini_sector_format = st.Struct( bytes('<%dL' % (self._mini_sector_size // 4))) assert self._normal_sector_size == self._normal_sector_format.size assert self._mini_sector_size == self._mini_sector_format.size # More correctness checks, but mostly warnings at this stage if self._dll_version == 3: if self._normal_sector_size != 512: warnings.warn( 'unexpected sector size in v3 file ' '(%d)' % self._normal_sector_size, CompoundFileWarning) if self._dir_sector_count != 0: warnings.warn( 'directory chain sector count is non-zero ' '(%d)' % self._dir_sector_count, CompoundFileWarning) elif self._dll_version == 4: if self._normal_sector_size != 4096: warnings.warn( 'unexpected sector size in v4 file ' '(%d)' % self._normal_sector_size, CompoundFileWarning) else: raise CompoundFileError( 'unsupported DLL version (%d)' % self._dll_version) if self._mini_sector_size != 64: warnings.warn( 'unexpected mini sector size ' '(%d)' % self._mini_sector_size, CompoundFileWarning) if uuid != (b'\0' * 16): warnings.warn( 'CLSID of compound file is non-zero (%r)' % uuid, CompoundFileWarning) if txn_signature != 0: warnings.warn( 'transaction signature is non-zero ' '(%d)' % txn_signature, CompoundFileWarning) if unused != (b'\0' * 6): warnings.warn( 'unused header bytes are non-zero ' '(%r)' % unused, CompoundFileWarning), io.SEEK_END) self._file_size = self._file.tell() self._header_size = max(self._normal_sector_size, 512) self._max_sector = (self._file_size - self._header_size) // self._normal_sector_size self._load_normal_fat(self._load_master_fat()) self._load_mini_fat() self._load_directory()
[docs] def open(self, filename_or_entity): """ Return a file-like object with the content of the specified entity. Given a :class:`CompoundFileEntity` instance which represents a stream, or a string representing the path to one (using ``/`` separators), this method returns an instance of :class:`CompoundFileStream` which can be used to read the content of the stream. """ if isinstance(filename_or_entity, bytes): filename_or_entity = filename_or_entity.decode(FILENAME_ENCODING) if isinstance(filename_or_entity, str): entity = self.root for name in filename_or_entity.split('/'): if name: try: entity = entity[name] except KeyError: raise CompoundFileError( 'unable to locate %s in compound ' 'file' % filename_or_entity) filename_or_entity = entity if not filename_or_entity.isfile: raise CompoundFileError( '%s is not a stream' % cls = ( CompoundFileMiniStream if filename_or_entity.size < self._mini_size_limit else CompoundFileNormalStream) return cls( self, filename_or_entity._start_sector, filename_or_entity.size)
def close(self): if self._opened: self._file.close() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() def _seek_sector(self, sector): if sector > self._max_sector: raise CompoundFileError('seek to invalid sector (%d)' % sector) self._header_size + (sector * self._normal_sector_size)) def _load_master_fat(self): # Note: when reading the master-FAT we deliberately disregard the # master-FAT sector count read from the header as implementations may # set this incorrectly. Instead, we scan for END_OF_CHAIN (or # FREE_SECTOR) in the DIFAT after each read and stop when we find it. # In order to avoid infinite loops (in the case of a stupid or # malicious file) we keep track of each sector we seek to and quit in # the event of a repeat self._master_fat = array(b'L') count = self._master_sector_count checked = 0 sectors = set() # Special case: the first 109 entries are stored at the end of the file # header and the next sector of the master-FAT is stored in the header self._master_fat.extend( st.unpack(b'<109L', * 4))) sector = self._master_first_sector if count == 0 and sector == FREE_SECTOR: warnings.warn( 'DIFAT extension pointer is FREE_SECTOR, assuming no ' 'extension', CompoundFileWarning) sector = END_OF_CHAIN elif count == 0 and sector != END_OF_CHAIN: warnings.warn( 'DIFAT extension pointer with zero count', CompoundFileWarning) elif count != 0 and sector == END_OF_CHAIN: warnings.warn( 'DIFAT chained from header, or incorrect ' 'count', CompoundFileWarning) sector = self._master_fat.pop() while True: # Check for an END_OF_CHAIN marker in the existing stream for index in range(checked, len(self._master_fat) - 1): value = self._master_fat[index] if value == END_OF_CHAIN: break elif value == FREE_SECTOR: warnings.warn( 'DIFAT terminated by FREE_SECTOR', CompoundFileWarning) value = END_OF_CHAIN break elif self._max_sector < value <= MAX_NORMAL_SECTOR: warnings.warn( 'sector in DIFAT chain beyond file end ' '(%d)' % value, CompoundFileWarning) value = END_OF_CHAIN break if value == END_OF_CHAIN: del self._master_fat[index:] break checked = len(self._master_fat) # Step case: if we're reading a subsequent block we need to seek to # the indicated sector, read it, and find the next sector in the # last value count -= 1 sectors.add(sector) self._seek_sector(sector) self._master_fat.extend( self._normal_sector_format.unpack( # Guard against malicious files which could cause excessive memory # allocation when reading the normal-FAT. If the normal-FAT alone # would exceed 100Mb of RAM, raise an error if len(self._master_fat) * self._normal_sector_size > 100*1024*1024: raise CompoundFileError( 'excessively large FAT (malicious file?)') sector = self._master_fat.pop() if sector in sectors: raise CompoundFileError( 'DIFAT loop encountered (sector %d)' % sector) if count > 0: warnings.warn( 'DIFAT end encountered early (expected %d more ' 'sectors)' % count, CompoundFileWarning) elif count < 0: warnings.warn( 'DIFAT end encountered late (overran by %d ' 'sectors)' % -count, CompoundFileWarning) if len(self._master_fat) != self._normal_sector_count: warnings.warn( 'DIFAT length does not match FAT sector count ' '(%d != %d)' % (len(self._master_fat), self._normal_sector_count), CompoundFileWarning) return sectors def _load_normal_fat(self, master_sectors): # Again, when reading the FAT we deliberately disregard the normal-FAT # sector count from the header as some implementations get it wrong. # Instead, we just read the sectors that the master-FAT chain tells us # to (no need to check for loops or invalid sectors here though - the # _load_master_fat method takes of those). After reading the normal-FAT # we check the master-FAT and normal-FAT sectors are marked correctly. self._normal_fat = array(b'L') # XXX This is the major cost at the moment - reading the fragmented # sectors of the FAT into an array. Perhaps look at optimizing reads # of contiguous sectors? Or make the array lazy-read whenever a block # needs filling? for sector in self._master_fat: self._seek_sector(sector) self._normal_fat.extend( self._normal_sector_format.unpack( # The following simply verifies that all normal-FAT and master-FAT # sectors are marked appropriately in the normal-FAT for master_sector in master_sectors: if self._normal_fat[master_sector] != MASTER_FAT_SECTOR: warnings.warn( 'DIFAT sector %d marked incorrectly in FAT ' '(%d != %d)' % ( master_sector, self._normal_fat[master_sector], MASTER_FAT_SECTOR, ), CompoundFileWarning) for normal_sector in self._master_fat: if self._normal_fat[normal_sector] != NORMAL_FAT_SECTOR: warnings.warn( 'FAT sector %d marked incorrectly in FAT ' '(%d != %d)' % ( normal_sector, self._normal_fat[normal_sector], NORMAL_FAT_SECTOR, ), CompoundFileWarning) def _load_mini_fat(self): # Guard against malicious files which could cause excessive memory # allocation when reading the mini-FAT. If the mini-FAT alone # would exceed 100Mb of RAM, raise an error if self._mini_sector_count * self._normal_sector_size > 100*1024*1024: raise CompoundFileError( 'excessively large mini-FAT (malicious file?)') self._mini_fat = array(b'L') # Construction of the stream below will construct the list of sectors # the mini-FAT occupies, and will constrain the length to the declared # mini-FAT sector count, or the number of occupied sectors (whichever # is shorter) if self._mini_first_sector == FREE_SECTOR: warnings.warn( 'mini FAT first sector set to FREE_SECTOR', CompoundFileWarning) self._mini_first_sector = END_OF_CHAIN elif self._max_sector < self._mini_first_sector <= MAX_NORMAL_SECTOR: warnings.warn( 'mini FAT first sector beyond file end ' '(%d)' % self._mini_first_sector, CompoundFileWarning) self._mini_first_sector = END_OF_CHAIN if self._mini_first_sector != END_OF_CHAIN: with CompoundFileNormalStream( self, self._mini_first_sector, self._mini_sector_count * self._normal_sector_size) as stream: for i in range(stream._length // self._normal_sector_size): self._mini_fat.extend( self._normal_sector_format.unpack( def _load_directory(self): # When reading the directory we don't attempt to accurately reconstruct # the red-black tree, partially because some implementations don't # write a correct red-black tree and partially because it doesn't # matter for users of the library. Instead we simply read the whole # stream of directory entries and construct a hierarchy of # CompoundFileEntity objects from this. # # In older compound files we have no idea how many entries are actually # in the directory, so we calculate an upper bound from the directory # stream's length stream = CompoundFileNormalStream(self, self._dir_first_sector) entries = [ CompoundFileEntity(self, stream, index) for index in range(stream._length // DIR_HEADER.size) ] self.root = entries[0] self.root._build_tree(entries) def __len__(self): return len(self.root) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.root[key] def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.root
[docs]class CompoundFileEntity(object): """ Represents an entity in an OLE Compound Document. An entity in an OLE Compound Document can be a "stream" (analogous to a file in a file-system) which has a :attr:`size` and can be opened by a call to the parent object's :meth:`` method. Alternatively, it can be a "storage" (analogous to a directory in a file-system), which has no size but has :attr:`created` and :attr:`modified` time-stamps, and can contain other streams and storages. If the entity is a storage, it will act as an iterable read-only sequence, indexable by ordinal or by name, and compatible with the ``in`` operator and built-in :func:`len` function. .. attribute:: created For storage entities (where :attr:`isdir` is ``True``), this returns the creation date of the storage. Returns ``None`` for stream entities. .. attribute:: isdir Returns True if this is a storage entity which can contain other entities. .. attribute:: isfile Returns True if this is a stream entity which can be opened. .. attribute:: modified For storage entities (where :attr:`isdir` is True), this returns the last modification date of the storage. Returns ``None`` for stream entities. .. attribute:: name Returns the name of entity. This can be up to 31 characters long and may contain any character representable in UTF-16 except the NULL character. Names are considered case-insensitive for comparison purposes. .. attribute:: size For stream entities (where :attr:`isfile` is ``True``), this returns the number of bytes occupied by the stream. Returns 0 for storage entities. """ def __init__(self, parent, stream, index): super(CompoundFileEntity, self).__init__() self._index = index self._children = None ( name, name_len, self._entry_type, self._entry_color, self._left_index, self._right_index, self._child_index, self.uuid, user_flags, created, modified, self._start_sector, size_low, size_high, ) = DIR_HEADER.unpack( = name.decode('utf-16le') try: =['\0')] except ValueError: self._check(False, 'missing NULL terminator in name') =[:name_len] if index == 0: self._check(self._entry_type == DIR_ROOT, 'invalid type') self._entry_type = DIR_ROOT elif not self._entry_type in (DIR_STREAM, DIR_STORAGE, DIR_INVALID): self._check(False, 'invalid type') self._entry_type = DIR_INVALID if self._entry_type == DIR_INVALID: self._check( == '', 'non-empty name') self._check(name_len == 0, 'invalid name length (%d)' % name_len) self._check(user_flags == 0, 'non-zero user flags') else: # Name length is in bytes, including NULL terminator ... for a # unicode encoded name ... *headdesk* self._check( (len( + 1) * 2 == name_len, 'invalid name length (%d)' % name_len) if self._entry_type in (DIR_INVALID, DIR_ROOT): self._check(self._left_index == NO_STREAM, 'invalid left sibling') self._check(self._right_index == NO_STREAM, 'invalid right sibling') self._left_index = NO_STREAM self._right_index = NO_STREAM if self._entry_type in (DIR_INVALID, DIR_STREAM): self._check(self._child_index == NO_STREAM, 'invalid child index') self._check(self.uuid == b'\0' * 16, 'non-zero UUID') self._check(created == 0, 'non-zero creation timestamp') self._check(modified == 0, 'non-zero modification timestamp') self._child_index = NO_STREAM self.uuid = b'\0' * 16 created = 0 modified = 0 if self._entry_type in (DIR_INVALID, DIR_STORAGE): self._check(self._start_sector == 0, 'non-zero start sector (%d)' % self._start_sector) self._check(size_low == 0, 'non-zero size low-bits (%d)' % size_low) self._check(size_high == 0, 'non-zero size high-bits (%d)' % size_high) self._start_sector = 0 size_low = 0 size_high = 0 if parent._normal_sector_size == 512: # Surely this should be checking DLL version instead of sector # size?! But the spec does state sector size ... self._check(size_high == 0, 'invalid size in small sector file') self._check(size_low < 1<<31, 'size too large for small sector file') size_high = 0 self.size = (size_high << 32) | size_low epoch = dt.datetime(1601, 1, 1) self.created = ( epoch + dt.timedelta(microseconds=created // 10) if created != 0 else None) self.modified = ( epoch + dt.timedelta(microseconds=created // 10) if modified != 0 else None) @property
[docs] def isfile(self): return self._entry_type == DIR_STREAM
[docs] def isdir(self): return self._entry_type in (DIR_STORAGE, DIR_ROOT)
def _check(self, valid, message): if not valid: warnings.warn( '%s in dir entry %d' % (message, self._index), CompoundFileWarning) def _build_tree(self, entries): # XXX Need cycle detection in here - add a visited flag? def walk(node): if node._left_index != NO_STREAM: try: walk(entries[node._left_index]) except IndexError: node._check(False, 'invalid left index') self._children.append(node) if node._right_index != NO_STREAM: try: walk(entries[node._right_index]) except IndexError: node._check(False, 'invalid right index') if node._child_index != NO_STREAM: node._build_tree(entries) self._children = [] try: walk(entries[self._child_index]) except IndexError: self._check(False, 'invalid child index') def __len__(self): return len(self._children) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._children) def __contains__(self, name_or_obj): if isinstance(name_or_obj, bytes): name_or_obj = name_or_obj.decode(FILENAME_ENCODING) if isinstance(name_or_obj, str): try: self.__getitem__(name_or_obj) return True except KeyError: return False else: return name_or_obj in self._children def __getitem__(self, index_or_name): if isinstance(index_or_name, bytes): index_or_name = index_or_name.decode(FILENAME_ENCODING) if isinstance(index_or_name, str): name = index_or_name.lower() for item in self._children: if == name: return item raise KeyError(index_or_name) else: return self._children[index_or_name] def __repr__(self): return ( "<CompoundFileEntity name='%s'>" % if self.isfile else pformat([ "<CompoundFileEntity dir='%s'>" % if c.isdir else repr(c) for c in self._children ]) if self.isdir else "<CompoundFileEntry ???>" )